Sn0wbreeze 2.2 to Offer Baseband Preservation Mode

iH8snow, the developer behind Sn0wbreeze, iREB, and f0recast has just announced that he is working on a new version of Sn0wbreeze that will offer baseband preservation mode. This feature was first implemented in TinyUmbrella which allows preserving iPhone 4 only baseband while upgrading to iOS 4.1 but this tool stopped couldn't preserve the baseband while upgrading to iOS 4.2.1.

Now with the new version of Sn0wbreeze by iH8sn0w, you may be able to preserve iPhone 4 / 3G / 3G while upgrading to iOS 4.2.1. Below is the first screenshot of the new version:
There's no ETAs yet, but iH8sn0w plans to roll out Sn0wbreeze 2.2 very soon. We'll of course post updates as they come!

On the other hand, Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 was released few hours ago to fix all native app crashes and bringuntethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1.

How to Install A deb file ?

1st Method:
STEP 1: Download the .deb file you want (example : LockInfo)
STEP 2: Start Cydia, go to "Search", type "Mobile Terminal" and install it

STEP 3: Repeat step 2 for "OpenSSH"

STEP 4: Start "MobileTerminal"

STEP 5: Type the following commands :

su (press return)
alpine (press return) /!\ You won't see the typed password then don't worry /!\
dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb (press return, replace nameofpackage with LockInfo for the example)

STEP 6: Reboot
enjoy the deb file is now installed on your mobile
2nd Method:
STEP 1: Connect your iPhone with SHH Software
STEP 2: Create the folder Cydia/AutoInstall into var/root/Media/
STEP 3: Reboot your iPhone
Once Done directly place all the deb file in this created folder and restart twice (two times) and bingo its installed this method is used by cyder also

backbord 1.2.0

Backboard of WindWarrior is a free application available on the repository ModMyi of Cydia Store .
This application will allow you to make a backup of one or more themes available on your iDevice by making a copy of your SpringBoard (placement of icons, application configurations, etc..) And thus to restore or switch between different themes having a different configuration on your springboard.

* Backing up your themes are in / Applications / Backboard.app

This application can be useful when you want to use more than one theme on your iDevice whose layout, configuration (iconclasm) of your icons and applications (no backup data), differs according to your theme. You can easily switcher between these themes without reworking the layout of your springboard.

Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 will Include USBMuxd and Beta 5 with Windows Version?

Just a quick heads up! Redsn0w 0.9.7 beta was out yesterday to bring untethered jailbreak foriOS 4.2.1 but some of our readers has reported that usbmuxd process is not working with them. Also Windows users were left behind and couldn't convert their devices to untethered jailbreak.

Though, the iPhone Dev Team is working hard on releasing new betas so in a new tweet todayconfirming that Redsn0w 0.9.7b4 will incorporates usbmuxd so you shouldn't worry anymore. In the same tweet, the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed that after finishing this task, the next version (Redsn0w 0.9.7b5) will include the Windows version.

tman15555: @redsn0w_testers when will the version that incorporates usbmuxd be realeased? I keep on getting stuck on installing bundles

redsn0w_testers: @tman15555 that version is next...and if that's successful, we should be able to expand to Windows testers after that
This indicates that we may very soon see the public release of Redsn0w 0.9.7. More updates

Sharing is Caring .. »

According to All Things Digital, today Apple confirmed 1 million Apple TVs have been sold in three months since it's been released. Apple has put out a press release last week stating that they would reach the 1 million Apple TV units sold in a few days.

""Last Tuesday Apple said it expected sales of its next generation Apple TV to top one million units before Christmas. Today the company confirmed to me that they did just that. Seems the addition of AirPlay support for wireless streaming, better iOS integration and the device’s aggressive new $99 price point have done quite a bit to spike sales of Apple’s so-called “hobby.” A million units sold within three months of the device’s launch is certainly impressive.""

Icon Renamer Lets You Rename iPhone Icons Directly From SpringBoard (video)

Icon Renamer is a new Cydia tweak that lets you rename your iPhone icons directly from the SpringBoard.
Quick and easy icon renaming from the SpringBoard. Simple tap and hold to enter jiggle mode, then tap the icon you want to rename.

There are no new icons added to your home screen, and no options to configure. There are no screenshots.

iOS 4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak is Going to be a Cydia Package?

You may don't need to restore or re-jailbreak your device to get the new iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak, according to this tweet from Comex. This means that you'll not need to install Redsn0w and use it to get the untethered jailbreak, it should be added a Cydia package on some repository like BigBoss or ModMyi on Cydia.
However, comex's untethered jailbreak is delayed and won't be released by the Christmas Eve so you have to take in mind that the iPhone Dev Team has it's own backup plan that requires iOS 4.2 beta 3 SHSH blobs to be able to get the untethered jailbreak. More updates as they come ! Stay tuned!

Sharing is Caring .. »

Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 For iOS 4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak Released, Fixes Native App Crashes

iPhone Dev Team had released Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 that implements the “backup plan” for iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4, iPad and iPod touch 4G.
It was meant only for beta testers and not for the general public as there are still some known issues that need to be addressed. However, users who tried the beta version reported a number of issues. Dev Team has promptly released a new version of Redsn0w to address some of the issues.
Beta testers reported a number of issues such as:
iPod app is not working for iPhone 4 and iPad users
YouTube app is not working for some users
Users reporting issues playing videos from the camera roll
AirPlay is not compatible
Users have reported that some iOS apps are crashing
Dev Team has just released Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 that addresses the issues observed with native apps including the problem with Task switcher.
In a blog post, Dev team has provided the following details for beta testers:
The second beta is now available (testers ONLY please!). This version should fix all the native app crashes (including Task switcher). That’s the only change in from beta1….Bluetooth is still disabled. If you had trouble using the usbmuxd in beta1, please wait until we incorporate that into redsn0w itself (i.e. don’t bother trying this beta2, just wait for the integration).
We would like to again reiterate that Redsn0w 0.9.7 beta is still not meant for general public so stay away until all the issues are resolved if you are not interested in being a beta tester. Redsn0w 0.9.7 beta is currently available only for Mac users, Windows users will have to wait for public release of Redsn0w 0.9.7.
If you plan to beta test it then download Redsn0w 0.9.7b2 for Mac using this link (Dev Team has advised beta testers to test it after a fresh restore). Please don’t forget to let us know how it goes in the comments and also provide your feedback on Dev Team’s blog, which will help them to iron out the issues before the public release.

source dev team

iOS 4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 4, iPad And iPod Touch 4G Released

As expected, iPhone Dev team has just released a new version of Redsn0w (Redsn0w 0.9.7b1) that implements the “backup plan” for iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak.

Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 can be used to (untethered) jailbreak iPhone 4, iPad and iPod touch 4G on iOS 4.2.1. Please note that Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 is meant only for beta testers and not for the general public as there are still some known issues that need to be addressed.

Please go through the following points before trying the new version of Redsn0w:

This is a beta tester program. It’s not a general release! Things can go very wrong, so please don’t even consider testing if you have pictures or other media on your device that you haven’t backed up!
For the same reason, please don’t participate if you rely on the ultrasn0w carrier unlock. Wait for the final version!
Until we fix some sandbox issues with bluetooth, the bluetooth functionality is disabled.
This very first beta1 is limited to iPhone4, iPad, and iPod touch 4G.
Cydia must have your 4.2b3 SHSH blobs saved on file. (As we approach a general release, we’ll provide a way to let you use locally saved hashes too).
You must already have the usbmuxd software installed and running on your Mac (this requirement will eventually go away too). The correct invocation of the relay is just as that page says: “./tcprelay.py -t 22:2222”. If the relay isn’t installed or running correctly by the time the redsn0w ramdisk has started, you’ll need to restore to stock FW again to try it again. Please test it beforehand to save yourself some time!
It is also important to note that jailbreaking your iDevice may void its warranty so please proceed with caution and at your own risk. It is always a good idea to take a backup of your iDevice, refer to this post for more details.

Please note that these are some of the known bugs:

Task switcher causes Springboard crash (temporary workaround is to use SBSettings process list)
Bluetooth currently disabled due to sandbox problem
You can checkout if Cydia has saved iOS 4.2 beta 3 SHSH blobs, launch Cydia and wait for it load the main page. You should see SHSH: 4.2b3 on the top of the page.

If you plan to give it a shot then download Redsn0w 0.9.7b1 for Mac using this link. Please don’t forget to let us know how it goes in the comments and also provide your feedback on Dev Team’s blog, which will help them to iron out the issues before the public release.


Mac Owner? Wann Try the Untethered iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak?

I know that most of your are waiting eagerly for the untethered jailbreak solution on iOS 4.2.1 for new-generation iOS devices. As most of you know, the iPhone Dev Team already has the backup plan to achieve iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak for Christmas Eve.
Just a few minutes ago, the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed the release of untethered iOS 4.2.1 jailbreak for the Christmas Eve and asking for Mac OS X owners to help them with testing the the backup plan.
Over the Christmas weekend we’ll be releasing a version of redsn0w that implements the “backup plan” to the 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak. We’re seeking your help to test this redsn0w and find any bugs before we do a general release!

(If you have an iPhone 3G, or an old-bootrom ipt2g or iPhone 3GS, you already have an untethered jailbreak! Just use the latest public redsn0w.)

To keep things manageable, this will be a Mac-only test program. We also request that any volunteers *NOT* need the ultrasn0w unlock (in case things go very wrong).

Right now, the “backup plan” requires that you have the 4.2b3 IPSW on your Mac, and that Cydia has your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes. Please don’t pirate that 4.2b3 IPSW! (We’re also working on a way that this technique might apply to all those with 4.1 IPSWs, but that’s not the first goal right now.)
To survive in this, you must be a Mac owner, got iOS 4.2 beta 3 SHSH blobs on your Mac or that Cydia has your 4.2b3 SHSH hashes that was automatically saved (in the status bar), and have a new-generation iOS device (i.e. iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod 4G, 3G).

If you fit all the above qualifications, so you can follow @redsn0w_testers on Twitter and give the Dev-Team a comment in this post to get the backup plan right now ! Let us know how does it go with you. Also stay tuned for a Christmas launch for public

OpenDNS May Slow Down Your Apple TV Streaming

I noticed this issue last week and I thought it was, once again, my ISP’s fault. The Vodafone Station connection I have here doesn’t exactly play well with…anything. Basically, I tried to set up the device using OpenDNS and I saw streaming speed of iTunes content go terribly down — even lower than what I’m used to with the

Vodafone Station. It turns out, though, that it might not be Vodafone’s fault at all this time. Instead, it appears that the Apple TV doesn’t play nice with third-party DNS providers such as Google’s DNS or OpenDNS.
According to TUAW, developer Joe Maller and quite a few users on Apple’s discussion boards, setting different DNS other than your ISP’s in the Apple TV can cause iTunes to take even hours to start a streaming session. Maller’s Apple TV took 2 hours to start streaming content under a 20 Mbs connection.

The problem lies in the way Akamai (the content distribution network Apple relies on) fetches geographic information and redirects users to the closest servers accordingly. If you use different DNS other than your ISP Akamai may fail at getting the closest server and thus relocate you to a distant location, where most users with DNS set as yours will likely end up to as well. So basically, everyone who’s not using the correct ISP DNS may be forwarded to god knows what server which can get congested at any time.
This hasn’t been officially documented by Apple on its support website, and Maller’s theory is, well, just a theory. But I have to admit it’s a pretty accurate one, as turning back to my ISP’s default DNS settings fixed the issues for me, too. So there you have it: if you’re experiencing slow streaming and you happen to have set OpenDNS or Google DNS on your Apple TV, try to go back to default.
There’s a chance it’ll get better

Source shatter jailbreak

Camera+ coming back to the App Store

Do you remember Camera + ? It was the amazing US$1.99 photography app from development house tap tap tap that ended up getting yanked from the App Store after the developers used the iPhone volume button as a camera shutter button.

In a postscript to a blog entry
today, tap tap tap let it slip that Camera+ is on the way back to the
App Store. The teaser comment says that it's currently in review, and
that this will be the "biggest update yet." Let's hope that they stay
within the sometimes ridiculous guidelines for App Store approval, and
that the app is as successful in its second incarnation as it was in the

Camera+ might face an uphill battle for renewed market share, however.
One of the cool features of the app was its ability to share apps to
Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr with one tap. Since Camera+ went missing,
the relatively new and free Instagram
app has become very popular, and it also features easy sharing and fun
filters. However, Instagram doesn't have the zoom or exposure controls
that made Camera+ so useful, and a recent update deleted a popular
filter (Poprocket) that was enjoyed by many users.

However, competition is good for those of us on the receiving end of
the app wars, so it's good to see that Camera+ is going to be back soon.

Information By Shatter jb

Apple preps new camera-toting iPads: sources

Component suppliers for the U.S. company are gearing up for a new round of production in the first quarter, these sources said on Friday.


A smaller iPad would be a departure as Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs has publicly rejected the idea of such a device in October.

Apple's iPad resurrected the market for tablet computers since its introduction in January, with nearly 13 million shipments expected units this year. That total could almost triple next year, providing a much needed boost for a global technology sector still struggling with patchy demand.

Touchscreen chip designer Wintek Corp, battery maker Simplo Technology Co Ltd and AVY Precision, a privately held maker of covers for electronic products, are among suppliers for the next batch of iPads, four people familiar with the situation said.

Two sources said the suppliers were preparing for a new round of production in the first quarter for components previously supplied for the original iPad, while two other sources said they were ramping up for a new iPad.

One source said the revamped model would feature cameras on the front and back of the device, enabling Apple's Facetime video conferencing service. Another source said it would be slimmer, lighter and have a better resolution display than the first iPad.

A separate supply chain source said Apple was preparing a significantly smaller iPad that is almost half the size of the current model. The current iPad has a 9.7-inch screen.

In October, Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs had dismissed the idea of a 7-inch iPad, saying the screen would be "too small to express the software."


"Investing in Apple-related shares is going to be a major theme for most of next year," said Bevan Yeh, a fund manager at Prudential Securities investment Trust, who manages about T$7 billion ($230 million) and owns supplier shares.

"Apple is still the main driver on most technology products, and this will help push the earnings of its suppliers even more in 2011," Yeh said.

Apple is expected to ship 12.9 million iPads this year, with shipments rising to 36.5 million in 2011, research firm iSuppli said in July, reflecting an 84 percent share of the tablet PC market.

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